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Tooth whitening

We offer safe and effective tooth whitening through a home whitening system, which includes retainers (clear molds) of your upper and lower teeth which are tailored specifically to your teeth and a whitening agent in form of a gel.


By using these specialized trays this ensures gel only stays to your teeth where it will be effective, and that the gel stays away from your gums where it can cause irritation.


Our teeth whitening system is safe, it does not damage teeth or tooth enamel. 

If you are interested in tooth whitening please make an appointment with one of our clinicians who will check that your teeth are suitable for tooth whitening (this allows us to check you will get your desired results, for example dental fillings will not whiten with any tooth whitening agents).


£280 for full kit

If you have any questions about tooth whitening please contact us and we will be happy to advise you further

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